i had my handsome guy by my side all day, and i dont know if it is because i had him with me that it has been extremely easy to travel in delhi. but it has been clean, stress-free and so much fun. no one bothering me, no one hassling me. just easy. plus, i had a personal map and tour guide!
delhi is a lot nicer than i was expecting it to be, honestly. i thought it would be dirty, smelly, full of beggars, and be loaded with cows in the streets, but it was none of that. the metro is nicer than ours in nyc, and yes, it's crowded, but i was shocked at how clean it is! it's really a modern city with every western influence you could need there. i had no problems with food at all, either. so, i feel bad about how i wasn't looking forward to it (i was even contemplating avoiding it altogether) but it turned out to be a great visit!
while resting at the hotel for a bit, i heard music and children laughing in the streets. they were celebrating lori, the hindu festival marking the height of winter. there were tiny little bonfires scattered in the streets, and people were playing music and singing around them. people were going around giving out handfuls of popcorn and peanuts, while a group of women sang to me to give me the good fortune of delivering a son with my apparently knew husband. i had no idea i was coming to india for this. ha.
we fled the singing, laughing, and went to date night.
he came with me to the airport to send me off, but wants to join me in goa. not sure how i feel about that. goa is supposed to be my totally solo detox period.
so maybe i'll sleep on it.
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