first, the traffic. we almost seriously got into an accident... WITH A COW! it's not like honking at them makes them move, driver. if he's charging at us, he's charging at us. i got some pics of the traffic, and a great version of agra's concrete pouring process.
second, the people. what a sneaky, untrustworthy bunch of ppl. it's like this whole city is connected in this big scheme. i asked the hotel to hire me a driver, i got the most expensive driver and guess what, the hotel made a commission. i wanted to go to the bazaar, the driver took me to his friend's pashmina shop. i'm sure he got a cut. then i wanted a "local shawl" because i didnt want to pay the higher prices. he took me to his friend's store, where his wife apparently shops, no barganing he said. 650 rupees for a shawl. really? you make that in about a month. you want me to believe that your wife pays these fixed prices here? when i bought the cheapest one, suddenly the one i originally wanted became 200 rupees cheaper. funny. i thought no barganing.
third, the hasslers, i mean, hagglers, no i mean hasslers. everyone is trying to make a dollar, i understand. it's a poor town. but i cant even get a minute to appreciate any of the sights, because someone is either trying to sell me crap goods or a tour guide. it is really degrading and annoying. im sure that being a solo female doesnt make it easier.
fourth, the filth. it is a dirty, disgusting city. dead dogs in the streets or on the side. children squatting to take shits on the side of the road. litter everywhere. the roads are lined with these shops that are basically a tin roof held up with sticks.
that all aside, i did get to see some interesting sites today. i met a cute gay, middle-aged couple from canada and we toured the agra fort together. then i went to sindikkar and saw the tombs of akbar and his daughters. then to fatepur sikri which is a palace and a city that was built by Akbar when a saint told him that he would have 3 sons, and when it became true, he buit the city where that saint lived. one thing that bugged me there, was that you had to remove your shoes at the mosque, for respect. ok. but then why the hell is that local man spitting on the floor? he is spitting on the marble floor that i am walking on in my socks, for respect. where is his respect?
agra is really backwards and twisted, and im glad that im out of here tomorrow. hopefully the fog clears up so that i will get some good shots of the taj.
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