Monday, April 16, 2012

Masri vs. Drija

Ok, I keep talking about the differences, here are some examples:
(English: masri/drija)

Two: etnan / juj
Chicken: farakh / dijaj
How are you?: ezayyek? / kedayer?
Good (I'm good): kwayes / labass
A lot: awy / bizzaf
Enough: khalas / safi
My love: habibi / h'biba
Bread: aaish / khoobs
Ok: tayyib / wakha
I called you: ana kalemtek / ana ayetlek
I miss you: wahashtini / twahishtek

And I could go on. But there are similarities too!!

Hello: Salamu alaikum
Let's go: yalla!


  1. this used to kill me during my arabic lessons at cooper! i would think i know how to say something (as per years spent with eygptians), only to find out our teacher was tunisian and i was pretty much screwed.

  2. So what you are saying is that Fozzy Bear from the Muppets was always saying " OK OK OK"?
